What is Osteopathy?

Osteopathy is a modern profession which incorporates some of the oldest forms of health care, namely massage and joint articulation.

Osteopathy is widely recommended by other health professionals.

Osteopaths believe that the body has an inherent healing ability, and that our treatment will assist the body regaining its balance and therefore health.

I have difficulty getting up stairs is this an issues?

As we work on the first floor of a building which has no lift we regret that those with mobility issues may find it too hard to get up the stairs.

How do I pay?

We accept EftPos, credit card and online payment via internet banking. We can email (our preference) receipts and invoices.

Can I claim through my private health insurer or WINZ

Each private health insurer has many policies so it depends which policy you have, ask us for a receipt.

WINZ – you will need to have a GP referral and claim form.